80s Casuals/Mentalita Ultras Collaboration.

Supertifo Fanzine

Over the last 5 years we have become friends with Mentalita Ultras www.mentalitaultras.com in Italy, collaborating on a couple of trainer T-Shirts including an Italia in 2006 when Italy won the World Cup. They have a passion for the game and fan culture similar to our own.
This week they sent us the latest SUPERTIFO fanzine which was a 25th year anniversary edition and is published in the same style as the very first one back in 1985. What the magazine has done well over the years is to photograph and document Italian Ultras on the terraces or Curvas as they are known. The Italians have never been afraid of expression and there are numerous pages of flags and banners at games throughout the country.
The fanzine has a circulation of close on 30000 and our good friends at Mentalita sorted an advert for our 80s Casuals book alongside one for their own clothing brand. This in effect has lead to an approach from Boogaloo Publishers in Italy with regards to translating and publishing the 80s Casuals book into Italian. We'll let you know what transpires in the following weeks.