80s Casuals takes a giant step this month with a jacket that epitomises the whole Casual ethos. This jacket is for the purist, the one who wants the finest materials, exclusivity, plus innate style with meticulous attention to detail. The Adventure Jacket is 'Made in Japan' which guarantees all of the above.
Finest Materials; The body of the jacket is made from Cordura 1000 and has been sourced from a U.S. Military Department Surplus Company. This material is much stronger than other Cordura material on the market as it is specifically for Military use. This makes the jacket really strong as well as waterproof and windproof.
The Pockets are made of Teijin Tarpolin which is also waterproof plus fireproof. There is a light weight alloy D ring and a double two way zip.
Exclusivity; Due to the cost of production, only 10 jackets have been manufactured with just 5 being imported this month. We will only have these exclusively available on our website at a cost of £250 because if we were to supply stores the real cost of the jacket should be in the region of £425.
Attention to Detail; This has always been the hallmark of the Japanese and the reason why so much 'Made in Japan' produce is making its way to these shores. The attention to detail is also reflected in the price of these goods with jackets being sold at upwards of £500+.
Our people in Japan are at the forefront of design and we have left the production and design of the 'Adventure Jacket' in their capable hands to get the authenticity and quality of a Japanese garment. They have come up with a jacket that is at the cutting edge of design at the moment. Contrast colours [although black] and materials are being used by designers such as Nigel Cabourn and the guys at Albam and our designers have given us a durable jacket that can last a lifetime. They also tell us all aspects of the jacket can be repaired in Japan if there is ever a problem.