We are preparing a couple of new T-Shirt designs for this month.
The first is a hybrid using artist Mark Leckeys video piece 'Fiorucci made me hardcore' as a platform. The background wording is a who's who of famous labels from the early 80s taken from Leckeys spoken word during the 'Fiorucci' video. The colouring of the words, red, white and green represents Italy, Fiorucci's country of origin and a destination for many European grafters in the 80s and 90s.
The 'Scarface' character is a Kev Sampson creation from the original book publication of 'Awaydays'. It appeared on the inside pages as part of a map showing the area in which the books storyline was set. We have secured exclusive copyright from Kev to use the figure.
The T-Shirt should be in stores around the second week of July.