Best Company Sweatshirts from the late 80s are remembered by us with great affection. Italian Designer Olmes Carretti was inspired by the fleece fabric of some American clothing and he set about using emblems and logos on Best Company sweatshirts as his interpretation of a young Europeans fantasy of America. The look was adopted by the Paninari culture of Italy before being taken up here in the UK.
Each of Carretti's designs transmits a message and emotion and it's this strategy which we feel 80s Casuals emits in its T-Shirts. Therefore we feel we should follow in Olmes' footsteps and develop Sweatshirts along the same lines. Each design involves a print procedure involving 7 colours before the wording is embroidered with a gold nylon thread.
We already have two "Challenge" designs in production, the Everest and the Mille Miglia, each limited to 100 and being numbered. Our new design 'Urban Gentry' will be produced at the same time as its T-Shirt in the following two weeks.
Again numbers will be very limited and besides our website the Sweatshirt will only be sold exclusively in Ran, Hip, An-x, Terraces and Solefood. rrp is £55.