So on that note a few words from the main Man Simon at Adi - dye. JM

'adi-dye' is a solo ran project, with a passion driven aim for restoring and re-dying new/used/vintage trainers. The inspiration behind adi-dye first came in March 2006, when adidas released the very limited W1 adicolor range. The idea that you could paint straight onto a plain white leather silhouette, giving the owner the chance to customize a unique trainer, really appealed. As this particular release was so limited though, the thought that it could all go wrong was way to daunting. So for now, the brush never touched the leather.
forward a couple of years and 2008 saw the release of the adidas City Series
collection, consisting of the much sought after London, Dublin and Stockholm
re-issues. I managed to bag myself both the London's and Stockholm's, however,
the Dublin sneakily eluded my grasp.
the years, while being a member on a number of forums associated with fashion
from the 80's casuals sub-culture, I came across the idea of the 'Holy Grail'.
The 'Holy Grail' term is used by many to describe the trainer that also manages
to escape their ownership, even despite their best efforts. It pains me to say,
but the Dublin is my Holy Grail.
early 2012, frustrated to think I may never get my hands onto a box-fresh pair
of the adidas Dublin, I researched into dying, as well as, painting suede and
leather. From this I went on to replicate the Dublin colour-way onto a
silhouette of my choice (adidas tobacco ivy/chilli c/w). Although not the 'real
thing' I was more than pleased with the results. Now with having re-dyed and
restored more than 60+ trainers from customers across Europe, 'aid-dye' has
became more than just a personal obsession for all things trainer
can now be contacted via a number of platforms, so please feel free to get in
- @simontones
- @adi_dye